PROC-05-05 Fees and Other Income
Purpose of procedureFees for courses are charged per course or unit. Each course/unit fee must be paid in full prior to the commencement of classes.
Learners will pay fees only after they have read and fully understood and have been given sufficient and accurate information regarding:
- The institution
- Its support services
- Entry requirements
- The program they want to enrol in
- Withdrawals and refund
VITE encourages a Non-Cash Policy as a means to controlling cash receipts. The Petty Cash Fund is used only to facilitate frequent minor payments that do not necessarily require the processing of a cheque.
For School Fees:
Learners have to make full and timely payments of their instalments of their tuition fees. Enrolment at the beginning of the year and re-enrolment into the next semester of the academic year are only possible, if all necessary payments have been received.
Learners can only graduate if their tuition fees over the period of their program of study have been received in full and the Finance Officer has confirmed their eligibility to graduate.
Furthermore, learners have to make payments towards their caution fees every year and possible fines have been covered.
- 18,000 Vatu of the total fees for the first year has to be paid at the beginning of the first semester of the first year, before enrolling into the first semester;
- Another 25 % has to be paid during the first semester;
- Learners can only enrol into the second semester if 50% of the tuition fees have been received;
- Trainees pay the second half of their tuition fee during the second semester;
- Trainees can only enrol into the first semester of the second year if tuition fees of the first year and 25 % of the tuition fee for the second year has been received in full;
- The same rule applies for the second and third year;
- Trainees can only graduate if their tuition fees over the period of their current program of study have been received in full and the Finance Officer has confirmed their eligibility to graduate.
Description of Procedures:
Summary of the School Fees and other Income process.
Duration of completion of fees
- 25% - Due march
- 25% - Due June
- 25% - Due September
- 25% - Due December
Late Registration Fees
- 7,000vt - Late registration fee/fine is applied a week after registration week.
PROC-05-06 School Fees Refund
Purpose of procedureThe purpose of this procedure is to outline the process for students withdrawing from a program or unit of study (subject) and the refund of fees in this regard.
Description of Procedures:
Summary of School Fees Refund Process.
Refund notes:
- if withdraw during the first week trainee will be refunded 90% of tuition fee
- if withdraw during the second week trainee will be refunded 80% of tuition fee
- if withdraw during the third week trainee will be refunded 70% of tuition fee
- if withdraw during the fourth week trainee will not be refunded any tuition fee
VITE Bank Details
- Here are the VITE Bank Details:
- Bank:National Bank of Vanuatu (NBV)
- Account Name: Vanuatu Institute of Teacher Education
- Account Number: 0084727001